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The safety and well-being of our patients, their families, and our employees is our top priority at The Phoenix Children’s Center. We wanted to communicate to our patient families how we are responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. We have had to make some changes to our practice so that we may continue to provide care for our patients during this time of recommended social distancing.

We are closely monitoring the situation in Arizona and nationwide, following the latest guidelines from the World Health Organization, US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Arizona Department of Health Services, and American Academy of Pediatrics. We offer a send out test for COVID-19 from the office for patients who qualify for testing. Please remember that there is no medicine to treat the virus, unless complicated by shortness of breath or pneumonia, for which your child would be immediately referred to the Emergency Department at Phoenix Children’s Hospital. When calling to schedule an appointment, if your child has cough and/or fever, please let our staff know if there has been any known contact with COVID-19.

We are available for telemedicine appointments via the telemedicine app, Doxy.me. Please call during office hours to schedule a live online appointment with your provider. Some patients may not qualify for a telemedicine appointment because their age or severity of illness requires a physical exam to be performed in the office.

Families are asked to bring only the child with an appointment and only one adult caregiver should be present at the appointment if possible. We have spaced appointments further apart to prevent any clustering of patients in the office. We are rooming patients immediately upon arrival to keep the waiting room empty. Alternatively, patients may call from the parking lot upon arrival and enter the office when they receive the call that the patient is ready to be roomed.

We are proving preferential booking for well child appointments as the first appointments of the day and when we reopen after lunch. We have designated certain rooms for well appointments only.

We have been implementing increased cleansing and disinfecting steps in all our exam rooms, bathrooms, and waiting areas, including all chairs, door handles, countertops, clipboards and pens. We have removed all books and magazines from our waiting areas and exam rooms.

Our goal for our practice is to continue to provide quality care for our patient families while minimizing the risk of COVID-19. We appreciate your cooperation and patience as we navigate through this difficult time.

The Phoenix Children’s Center Staff